Best Formulations discovers a better way to do employee benefits – with Nava.

Nava Benefits assisted Best Formulations through an acquisition and internal changes as the company headed into open enrollment.
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Job title
Complex back office administration support through a period of internal change and open enrollment
Rollout of best-in-class benefits guides and the Nava Benefits App for time-saving member support

Best Formulations is a nutraceutical company that manufactures and packages nutritional supplements like softgels, tablets, capsules, powders, probiotics, and teas — all in-house. The company is committed to quality and transparency, and its customers trust in and expect the best and highest-grade ingredients and service.

It follows that Best Formulations has similar expectations for best-in-class service from the vendors it works with — especially when it comes to healthcare and the benefits experience it offers employees.

Dwindling support signals a need for change

Benefits Manager Denise Zamora and her team had worked with a brokerage for many years. The relationship between teams was good, but the customer service levels began to drop over time. “We were just feeling that we weren’t in the loop and didn’t have the same level of support that we had initially,” she said. This feeling persisted, leaving the team open to a conversation about Nava Benefits.

“It’s always a little nerve-wracking to make a change,” she shared, “but our now-broker gave me the confidence that, no matter what, we’d be in good hands. He assured me we’d have Nava’s support through the transition and that it would be a good experience — and it really was.”

There was a lot to navigate during the transition. Best Formulations had recently been acquired by Sirio, and was spinning off a small division focused on personal care products.

“It was complex and there were many moving parts,” Zamora said. Her Nava team handled the benefits portion and helped coordinate the intersection between payroll and benefits with the company’s payroll vendor. “It’s been great to have the team on our side.”

Red carpet customer service through open enrollment

This transition also occurred shortly before open enrollment. "Nava’s customer service was really the differentiator," she said. "The team was very responsive and in the weeds with us, always providing quick responses via email, text, or phone. They didn't leave it up to me to figure everything out, which was really nice”.

“Benefits are complicated; the Nava team helped me understand all our options and also ensured that all new benefit plans were added to our HRIS/BenAdmin system which is a lot of work making it a seamless process for everyone."

The Nava team also negotiated with carriers on Best Formulation’s behalf to ensure expected coverage levels, within budget. “I know the team is working behind the scenes for me,” she said. “Time is money, as we all say, and without this kind of support, I was spending a lot of time that could have been spent on other activities, especially around employee engagement.

Now Zamora is focused on adoption for the Nava Benefits App, rolled out to Best Formulations employees after open enrollment. The app comes with member support from Nava advocates, so every time an employee comes to Zamora with a benefits question or request for an ID card, she directs them to the app.

“Those using the app love it,” she said. “It’s a big help for employees — they don’t have to wait for me; all their information is in their back pocket or the palm of their hand. We offer plans through many different carriers, so to have everyone’s information in one place is amazing. I use it and I love it, too.”

Best ever benefits guides

Employee education was another area Zamora felt the difference in brokerage support. “The benefits guides provided to employees were the best we’ve ever had. Very nice, very professional,” she said.

The Nava team attended open enrollment meetings, which included three manufacturing shifts.

“They made that effort, even to work with the carriers to have them here for all three shifts too,” she explained. “It was just… Wow! It’s important to us to meet with employees and production staff so that they really understand what benefits we’re offering and to help ensure they take advantage of their benefits.”

Zamora says the Nava team is always willing to hear Best Formulations’ needs and has encouraged her to ask questions or put any idea on the table. “I didn’t know what I was missing until we partnered with Nava. What we were doing before wasn’t broken or horrible, but it also wasn’t like working with Nava. We didn’t have this level of support until now.”

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