Meet the Navanauts: Maddie Meyers, People Operations Generalist

Meet Maddie Meyers, People Operations Generalist at Nava. In her role, she helps make Nava an incredible place to work; A place where all employees feel safe, understood, and empowered, from the hiring process and throughout the full entire Nava experience. Read on to learn more about Maddie’s career (both in People Ops and as an actor), the mantra that keeps her going, and her favorite thing about working at Nava.

Give us the cliffs notes of your career, pre-Nava.
Theater kid → Tried to be an actor. While doing so, worked as front of desk at a spa → got promoted to Director of Operations at the spa, really enjoyed it → found my way into People Operations → never left!
What made you want to join Nava?
The people. As someone with experience in People Operations, I deeply appreciate Nava's commitment to building a great company culture. This company is lead with great intention, and the impact is clear!
How would you describe the Nava team in three words?
Passionate, authentic, and kind.
Favorite movie quote?
"No matter where you go, there you are." — The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
What keeps you going on the good days (and the not-so-good)?
A couple years ago I started saying to myself: "You can get through anything for an hour." Not sure how I came up with it. But it helps me remember that nothing you are dreading is insurmountable. Sometimes that's working on something you've been procrastinating on, sometimes that's going to a social event you don't feel like going to, sometimes it's feeling sad feelings. And of course, what tends to happen is once the hour passes, the thing that was causing you misery has gotten a whole lot smaller.
What's your favorite part of working remotely?
There are so many, but since I am currently doing this: getting to listen to music when I work and singing along when I feel like it 🙃 And sometimes doing a little dance in my room 💃🏻
Nava is hiring! Learn more and see available roles here.